News & Highlights
- 10.01 New publication accepted in ACS Applied Electronics Materials (just accepted) on the use of CMC cellulose in organic transistors! Congratulations to Katherine and Amir!
- 22.07 Caterina shares her thoughts at the Night of Science in Helsinki: “Are Molecules the Solution to More Sustainable Electronics?”
- 09.12 Caterina welcome to Micronova an high-school class from Italy visiting Finland and Estonia though a EU project on digitalization. Thanks to all students and to Michelangelo and Giusi, who have accompanied and supported the students in their experience!
- 15.11 Welcome to Suman Thapa, who joins the Organic Electronics group his MSc thesis. WELCOME SUMAN!
- 13.08 Saba shares her result in the closing event for the SEMI-SUMMER 2024 program. Well done Saba!
- 22.07 Caterina shares our recent work at Northeastern University (Burlington campus) in Boston, MA!
- 17.07 New publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry C (just accepted) “Photo-gain optimization in multilayer organic phototransistors by study of space-charge limited current ” in collaboration with CNR-ISMN (Italy). Congratulations to Katherine and to All colleagues!
- 12.07 New publication accepted at RADECS2024 “Neutron Low Energy and Laser responses in Photodiodes for SEE Assessment” – ARIEL collaboration. Congratulations to All colleagues!
- 28.06 Katherine shares our results (oral presentation) on cellulose-based dielectrics at ICSM24 in Dresden!
- 17.06 Welcome to Sabanur Mete, who joins the Organic Electronics group for the Summer as SEMI-SUMMER fellow. WELCOME SABANUR!
- 27.05 Welcome to Simeona E. Hein, who joins the Organic Electronics group for the Summer as AScI fellow. WELCOME SIMEONA!
- 17.05 Georgios presents our activities to the Coffee Talk at the Department of Electronics & Nanoengineering!
- 30.01 Walk the Plank! Photonics & Optics (PREIN) Caterina shares our work on organic light-emitting transistors for a student competition to find the application market for our technology. Here the ideas:
- 17.01 New publication in ACS Electronic Materials (just accepted) ” Hafnium aluminate-polymer bilayer dielectrics for organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs)” Congratulations to Katherine and to All colleagues!
- 28.11 Caterina shares our results on blue TADF organic light-emitting transistors at MRS Fall 2023 in Boston!
- 03.11 Caterina shares our work at University of Brescia (Italy)!
- 12.10 Caterina participates in Shaking up Tech. You can watch here
- 01.10 Welcome to Georgios Fanourakis, who joins the Organic Electronics group as new doctoral student. WELCOME GEORGIOS !
- 15.09 Welcome to Henri Ehgartner, who joins the Organic Electronics group as a MSc student. WELCOME HENRI !
- 01.09 Welcome to Amirhossein Azari, who joins the Organic Electronics group as new doctoral student. WELCOME AMIR !
- 31.08 New publication in Physica Status Solidi A Quantifying the Impact of Al Deposition Method on Underlying Al2O3/Si Interface Quality. Congratulations to All colleagues!
- 24.07 Congratulations to Pranava Pakala for her MSc thesis! Ad maiora! and good luck with your future studies!
- 30.05 Katherine shares our results on green organic light-emitting transistors with emissive blend TCTA:Ir(ppy)3 at OPD2023 in Joenssu!
- 30.05 Welcome to Adrian Gutierrez, who joins the Organic Electronics group for the Summer as SEMICONDUCTORS fellow. WELCOME ADRIAN !
- 08.05 Welcome to Alonso Conejo, who joins the Organic Electronics group for the Summer as SEMICONDUCTORS fellow. WELCOME ALONSO !
- 13.01 Caterina participates in Finnish Science Day 2023 in panel “How is it to begin a research career in Finland as a foreigner?“
- 29.11 Caterina shares our recent results on green organic light-emitting transistors with emissive blend TCTA:Ir(ppy)3 at MRS22 Boston!
- 18.11 New publication TCTA:Ir(ppy)3 green emissive blends in Organic Light Emitting Transistors (OLETs) in ACS Omega. Congratulations to Katherine and Ornella!
- 07.11 The world is your oyster at Aalto! Few words from Pranava on her Aalto adventure
- 01.06 Welcome to Pranava Pakala, who joins the Organic Electronics group for the Summer as AScI fellow. WELCOME PRANAVA!
- May 2022 Congratulations to Alex (Seung-Goo Kim) for his MSc thesis in ELE! Ad maiora!
- 11.12 New publication High-k Fluoropolymers Dielectrics for Low-Bias Ambipolar Organic Light Emitting Transistors (OLETs) in Materials. Congratulation to Ahmed and Katherine on their first paper!
- 18.10 New publication Atomic layer deposition (ALD) for environmental protection and whisker mitigation of electronic assemblies in CEAS Space Journal
- 25.08 Invited Talk at ICOCN2021 Caterina gave an invited talk about recent research activity in our group.
- 05.07 New publication “Engineering Dielectric Materials for High-Performance Organic Light Emitting Transistors (OLETs)” in Materials
- June 2021 Congratulations to Ahmed Albeltagi for his MSc thesis! Ad maiora!
- 01.06 Welcome to Claire Phan and Meghdad Hosseinzadegan Claire and Meghdad joins the Organic Electronics group for the Summer. Welcome CLAIRE & MEGHDAD!
- 26.04 Welcome to Katherine Gallegos Rosas Katherine joins the Organic Electronic Group from TU Dresden (Germany)! WELCOME KATHERINE!
- 25.03 We got photons! electrons and photons at the same time…priceless!
- from March (throughout the year): a new series of (online) events sponsored by the Department of Computer Science on Color of Science. Come and join us for interesting discussion on discrimination in science.
- 25.01 Our first working organic transistor! after some creativity, it was not the best good-looking but nonetheless working! Now the fun begins!
- 04.01 Ahmed Albeltagi joins our group. Ahmed is currently a MSc student at University of Eastern Finland and he will carry on his Master thesis with us! Welcome to Ahmed!
- 20.11 After a week of very intensive work, Organic Electronics Corner is up and running! Now it is time to play!
- 16.11 Ulviyya receives ELEC – Doctoral Fellowship (School of Electrical Engineering) to support her PhD studies. Our best congratulations!
- 01.08 Maryam Esmaeilzadeh joins our group and Prof. Jaana Vapaavuori´s group (Dept. of Chemistry and Materials Science) as AScI 2020 Summer Research Fellow to work on BIOSTRETCH (Aalto Seed Funding project). Welcome to Maryam!
- 01.07 Ulviyya receives PREIN Fellowship (Aalto Seed funding scheme) to support her studies for 6 months. Title of the project is High-k Dielectric for Organic Light Emitting Transistors (GINGER) in collaboration with Prof. D. Lupo from Tampere University. Congratulations Ulviyya!
- April Caterina on Aalto Magazine (p. 48) What´s your favourite gadget, Caterina Soldano? and on Aalto website (link)
- March Unfortunately, due to current emergency situation, Physics Day 2020 and Optics and Photonics Day are for now cancelled but hopefully postponed to better and healthier times.
- March Special Issue Organic Light Emitting Transistors (OLETs): Fundamentals, Materials and Application on Materials (ISSN 1996-1944). This special issue belongs to the section “Electronic Materials“(DL for manuscript submissions: 31 May 2021)
- December Caterina joins the scientific committee of the Optics and Photonics Day, which will be held in Turku (Finland) on 25th-27th May 2020
- 28.10 Welcome Ulviyya! Ulviyya Quliyeva joins the Organic Electronic Group from Bilkent University (Turkey) ! WELCOME ULVIYYA!
- 25.10 Caterina on Aalto Magazine The science of light is everywhere
- 03.10 Seed Funding project approved from Aalto University in collaboration with prof. Jaana Vapaavuori, in the Chemistry and Materials Science Department.
- 26.09 Our first article with (partial) Aalto affiliation on 3D Multi-Branched SnO2 Semiconductor Nanostructures as Optical Waveguides
- 03.07 Caterina on Aalto website Passion and patience are the most important qualities for a researcher
- 01.05 Caterina joins Aalto University (yes, on Vappu!)