
We are located in Otaniemi
- Postal address: Aalto University
School of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering
P.O. Box 15500 , FI-00076 AALTO
Finland - Visiting address: Tietotie 3
02150 Espoo, Finland
Please contact us at: caterina.soldano(at)
Visit us
- From Helsinki Airport: Since there is no direct bus or rail link from the airport to our Otaniemi campus, it is recommended to take a taxi (cost approx. 30 – 50 euros and takes about half an hour).
Otherwise public transport connection from airport can be checked on the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council site. The trip takes about an hour and cost around 4.60 euros (zone ABC ticket which includes Vantaa, Helsinki and Espoo; the ticket is valid for train/metro/bus/tram during 80 minutes). Hint: print out the route with listing stop (available on the site). - From the centre of Helsinki: Metro connects the centre of Helsinki with Aalto University (closest stops in the city centre are Kamppi and Helsinki Railway station).
- From elsewhere in Helsinki Metropolitan Area: It is best to use the Journey Planner by using your current position and Tietotie 3 as destination.