It has become a tradition to spend a summer day with Ilkka´s group!
On August 8, Micro- and Quantum Systems and Organic Electronics groups organized jointly their development day with their researchers, students and summer interns. We started out the day by visiting Metsähovi Radio Observatory, where Joni Tammi described us the type of research carried out there and how the site operates.

The sky was very windy and cloudy, but we still got a close look as well an outdoor view of the various instrumentations. We also learnt that our galaxy, the Milky Way is going collide with the Andromeda galaxy, but luckily it takes a while, and may not be dangerous since both are very sparse, mostly empty from any massive material.
In Metsähovi, cell-phones are not permitted, so one could take a free moment from social media connection!
We then continued our journey to Lähteelä (also in Kirkkonummi, very much south in Porkkala) along with some grilling and sauna with wood stove, and quite many of us, brave enough, also ventured in the sea water (still a bit chilly 😊). This was our second time at this place, and we like it for its very relaxing atmosphere and perfectly immersed into the nature. Sauna, food and good company made it for a very good time together.